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When does my subscription period start and end?
When does my subscription period start and end?

Your annual subscription might actually last longer than a year.

Updated over a week ago

Your Bill Hero subscription period starts on the day you sign up for the service.

The subscription fee is subject to our money-back Savings Guarantee, which means that if we cannot find annualised savings on your first bill(s) greater than the Savings Guarantee, then you can choose to cancel immediately for a full refund. The dollar amount for the Savings Guarantee is always displayed at the point of signup.

If we do find annualised savings for you greater than your Savings Guarantee, then your subscription is live, and we'll help you find and switch to a cheaper plan

Providing that your first switch is completed within 12 months of your start date, on the date of completion for your first switch we will reset the end date for your subscription for the anniversary of the first-switch completion date, so you'll have 12 months of service from that date, no matter how long it might take for that first switch to be completed.

If you have not completed a switch within the 12-month period, your subscription will renew on the 12-month anniversary of your start date.

If you're moving to a new home and don't yet have a bill, then you can use our 'no bill' service and your subscription end date will be set to the 1 year anniversary of the energy connection date at your new home.

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